Sierra Nevadas

Sharp peaks jab the sky
dark pines wear thick coats of snow
blue skies over all

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Seen from I-80
Emerald City of Oz
rises from flatlands

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Green, flat, lush compared
to SoCal, room to stretch and
grow a family.

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Y U no respect?
NP settle for ugly
SF stepsister

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San Francisco

Viewed from 1-80
you’re just a narrow slice of
Chicago, bayside.
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Long layover, Part 3: Out of control

Gone native. Eating
chips doused in cheese, roast beef. Heart
attacks, pounds attach.

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Long layover, Part 2: Hour 3

Clean out purse. Rub Lush
Breath of God on wrist. People
watch. Tweet. Post. Kill me.

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Long layover, Part 1: Queen City Kitchen

How long can I sit
nursing a small coffee ’til
I’m kicked to the curb?

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Traveling unplugged

We all crave power,
connection. Squat shamelessly
for that next tech fix.

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Airport robbery

Boingo charged me eight
bucks for all-day internet.
Sucker born right here.

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